RSS to Newspaper Tooling.
I am a big fan of RSS feeds and readers - in fact my current setup involves using a self-hosted feed processing container freshrss which is then "read" by an iOS app, reeder.
However it was occurring to me that sometimes I'd like a simple, collected, PDF with articles I found most interesting, in a newspaper format. Even if I simply read this PDF on an ipad or sent it to a printer each day, I think I'd enjoy that.
Enter feedpress:
Documentation: ./docs/index.html
# Build in your normal and comforable way, serve via cargo:
cargo run -- --serve
# Set typst to watch the input files, so you can tinker with layouts:
typst watch templates/feedpress.typ output/feedpress.pdf --root ./
npm install
npx tailwindcss -i assets/static/input.css -o assets/static/output.css --watch
brew install poppler
(mac) or your preferred package management tool. See the poppler site for more information. In the dockerfile, this is installed on the final image, too.# While in ./site
cp ../ ./
rm ./index.html
npx @11ty/eleventy --output ./
Sample docker-compose that should work and start the web-based UI:
version: "2.4"
image: sullivant/feedpress:latest
restart: "no"
- 8081:8081
## if desired, volumes can be created to redirect the output directory, etc.
- ./output:/output ## So we can access it easier, while developing
- ./log:/log ## Watching logs locally not via the browser
Editions can be scheduled to press by using your host's scheduled task method. Cron, Windows scheduler, etc. The process to fire off a manual edition is all we need to call:
docker exec feedpress "/app/feedpress"
Logs will append to the internal log file and the edition will be pressed the same as if you had fired it off from the web UI.
A future release may contain an internal scheduler.
Get the code:
[email protected]:sullivant/feedpress.git
Update some configuration. After checkout of this repository, note that there are a few "defaults" configured and a few example feeds. Without parameters, the application will run and serve a simple front end, available at http://localhost:8081/
Configuration is located in data/config.toml
# global configurations
show_errors = false # true if you'd like to see feed collection errors
max_age = 3 # number of days old an article is skipped if it is older than
feed_limit = 2 # max number of articles to pull from a feed
# feed array
# example:
# [[feed]]
# url = "https://yourfeedurl/rss.xml"
# feed_limit = 10
# section = "Personal"
From the app directory, you can run this program. It will refer to the parent directory for configurations, etc.
# Will execute a feed pull and create input files suitable for typst.
cargo run --release
# Will serve a webpage located at localhost:8081/
cargo run -- --serve
# Will show options
cargo run -- --help
The directories in this project are as follows:
./ - Root directory of this repository
./app - Contains the code to feedpress and the target binary
./assets - Contains local images used for logos, served webpage, etc.
./data - Contains configuration
./docs - Documentation
./input - Input that is feed into typst
./output - Output PDF files for viewing or delivery
./site - Contains the source for
./templates - The actual typst configuration
./templates/bookshelf.typ - How each article looks on the page
./templates/feedpress.typ - The root typst "application"; imports the other .typ files
./templates/layout.typ - The overall layout of the page
cargo run
default behavior should be to serve the static site